Thursday, June 07, 2007

Love is...?

I'm a creature of habit. I read the LA Times every day. I know that my wife would say that the word read should be in quotations because I actually only look at the front pages of the world and local news sections (the "real" news she says). Anyway, I do read the sports page (Page 2, TJ Simers is a must read), and the Calendar section where the crossword puzzle is (I can only complete Monday through Wednesday before I have to cheat with the internet). I save the Classifieds for last because the word Jumble puzzle is in there along side the most confusing comic of all time: Love is...
Let me start by saying that I LOATHE this comic, it mocks me daily as I work my word Jumble. The characters in it don't ever seem to have any clothes on, and they do some really weird stuff whilst naked. The whole thing is one big trite, overly sentimental piece of garbage. Yet I can't stop myself from looking at it. Perhaps because for the longest time I thought I knew what Love was; or maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment. Who knows.
Let's take this example above, exactly what is going on here? It looks like the "man" is trying to hump the "woman's" armpit. This is Love? I never knew.


C_Oldham said...

I'm reminded of something a wise man once said about women with no breasts...

kingdomforavoice said...

Whoops that wasn't kaleb.

losergoes1st said...

words to live by, indeed.

Adam said...

you should be careful putting pictures like that on the internet